In the mountains of western Massachusetts the Lord has built a foundry out of which are cast all manner of instruments for His service. These hammers, these nails - these scalpels and swords were fashioned from metals made molten by the crucible of confrontation, study, independence, and community. This experience and environment is unlike any other and has provided its products a peculiar ethic and a wonderful worldview. Those of us tempered in this foundry are a league of useful soldiers and in the kingdom we are the Lenox Order of Saints.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Our hope is that this little site would be and become several different things.  Principally, we'd like for it to be an encouragement for those of us who have been discipled at BICS to have that process continue.  We may be able to sharpen one another through the publication of articles, ideas, essays, questions, concerns, and the comments they inspire.  We may be able to challenge and be challenged to apply to our corners of the kingdom those things we learned here in the Berkshires and since.  We may be able to share opportunities for ministry and ideas for how we can do more as a group than we can as individuals.

We'd also like to have this be our alumni magazine or something akin to that.  We'd like to include updates on the happenings in the lives of those who've been discipled here and their families.  There will be reporting on the current goings on here at the school and insights into what the Lord is doing in and through the ministry here.  

Finally, only those who have attended BICS can appreciate the unique pleasures and pressures that our students experience every year.  Who would have a softer heart for those students who need help?  We all teetered on the razor's edge while we were here only to see the Lord provide in some unforeseen way.  We want to make current opportunities available to you for prayer and support and to be that blessing!

God bless you - the Lenox Order of Saints.  Let me know what you think and I'll be in touch!

~ John Tate (Class of 1994)